-min read

PMS, PMDD and alternative and complementary therapies

PMS, PMDD and alternative and complementary therapies: the evidence behind their effectiveness for easing PMS/PMDD

Published on
21 Dec

Evelyn aims to raise awareness, educate, diagnose and increase access to treatment for PMS and PMDD. Evelyn takes a holistic approach to PMS, providing 360 solutions to balance out the cycle. When it comes to PMDD, we recognise the severity and potentially life-threatening nature of this condition. For this reason, whilst we still encourage a holistic approach to health, we also recommend that anyone who thinks they may be experiencing PMDD prioritise seeking medical advice for their symptoms and treatment. Never delay or postpone speaking to a healthcare professional if you are concerned about your wellbeing or safety.

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Final Thoughts

There are many alternative therapies out there, some of which have more research behind them than others. That’s not to say that those without supporting research don’t work, but it’s harder to conclude what the impacts may be when few high-quality studies look at their effect on PMS specifically (just part of the problem when it comes to the lack of progression in discovering new treatments for female health issues). If you’d like to try a new practice for easing PMS or PMDD symptoms, make sure to research the origin of products and the qualifications of the people delivering such techniques first, as this is mainly unregulated territory. Hopefully, you can find something that complements traditional medicines or works as an alternative therapy and helps ease your PMS/PMDD symptoms. Remember, we’re all individual, and the methods that work for one person may not work for another. With the right support, everyone can find the most effective methods for PMS/PMDD relief.

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