-min read

What causes PMS & PMDD?

Published on
30 Nov

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Final Thoughts

The causes of PMS/PMDD are complex, and it’s likely that they’re not caused by one single factor alone. Further research is needed to determine which (or maybe all) of them play a part in PMS/PMDD. Genetics are likely to play a key role in determining how our bodies react to hormones and their fluctuating levels throughout the menstrual cycle. Lifestyle factors can clearly exacerbate the symptoms of PMS/PMDD, and help provide us with a starting point for how to ease the symptoms. 

Although science can’t provide us with all the answers, it can be a useful tool in affirming that the symptoms of PMS/PMDD are real, just like any other condition. And it deserves to be taken seriously by healthcare professionals and society generally.

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